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Brunch with the Bradleys

The Bradleys are on a mission: 

To find out what the f*ck is going on in the world. And is there anything we can do about it?


What the hell is happening with our culture?


How did we get here?



Who are the Bradleys?

Bloody minded and opinionated. This married couple unpick what is really going on in our world. 


Brunch with the Bradleys has been broadcasting on the radio since 2018. Now they've found themselves their own podcasting home.


Love them or hate them. Listen to their brand new podcast and you'll find different ways to look at the big bloody mess we're got ourselves into and together we'll try to find any way out.



+44 7435 599960

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Thank you for contacting us. We'll get back to as soon as we can.

Neil & Gaylita xx

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